Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.


Age 29, Male

animator,voice actor

Academy of Environmental Scien


Joined on 1/6/08

Exp Points:
730 / 900
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Posted by MRLEGOGUY - January 22nd, 2009

It's time for a special daily joke where I come up with 6 jokes that I think are hilarious!!

Ok, why is it illegal for an elephant living in America to be buried in Asia? Because it's still living!

A guy named Bob is seen in his car as it crashes into a wall and explodes, and he is found dead. Yet the next day, people see him walk out of his front door. How the hell is this possible?? He's a motherf***ing ghost!!! RUN FOR YOU LIVES!!!!!!!!!! LOL

A man buys a ticket for a play, yet when he gets to his seat almost everyone leaves. Why? The snack bar ran out of beer.

Ok, there are three guys in a car named crap, shut, and manners. Crap falls out the window and the car is pulled over by a cop. The cop asks "What's your name?" Shut up says "Shut up." The cop says "Where are your manners?" Shut up says "He's over there picking up crap."

Three robbers are spotted by the cops after they stole from the bank. The robbers hide in the bushes. The first robber jumps out and says "Tornado!!" So the cops run away. The second guy jumps out and says "Tsunami!!" So the cops run away. The third guy jumps out and says "Fire!!"

Why didn't Cinderella make the basketball team? She kept running away from the ball.

Well, that's it for the Daily Joke special! I hope my jokes made you laugh at least a little bit!!

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - January 21st, 2009

why did the chicken cross the road? He was suicidal.

Knock! Knock! Who's there? Yuck. F*** who?? You deaf bitch!!! I said yuck not f***!!!

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - January 20th, 2009

hi everyone!!! I know yesterday's joke kinda sucked, so today's daily joke will contain 3 jokes (one by me) that will make you laugh! Two of the three jokes are blond jokes. To every blond, I am not trying to insult you. By the way, I'm blond.

How do you make a blond dizzy? Bring him in a circular room and tell him to go pee in the corner. LOL. Get it? There are no corners in a circular room!

Ok, there's a blond jumping on some railroad tracks syaing "Twenty nine! Twenty nine! Twenty nine!" So another guy comes and asks if he can join. So they both start saying "twenty nine! twenty nine! twenty nine!" The train comes and runs over the second guy but the blond jumps out of the way. He then goes back on the tracks and starts saying "Thirty! Thirty! Thirty!" I got this joke from my friend Matt Webb

Knock! Knock! Who's there? Me! Me who? It's me god damnit! So open the freaking door!! LOL! This joke was from me. Well, that's it for today's Daily joke!! Be back tomorrow!!

Daily joke!!!

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - January 19th, 2009

How are you all doin'? I hope your doin' good, cuz' I'm gonna start a little somethin'! It's called the daily joke!!! If you like my jokes and think you have a good idea for a daily joke, just comment on the daily joke of whatever day it is. Oh, by the way, I might foget to do daily joke some days (And I know that means it won'y really be daily so don't write a comment just to tell me that!) and I will almost always make the daliy joke sometime after 12:00. (if i is a school day, I don't get out of my middle school until around 2:20. Ok, here's today's joke!!!

Why did the white racist boy complain about his dinner?-Because there were having BLACK BEANS! Get it?!?! The boy is white and since he's a racist he hates black people!!
PS I think god should smite that kid!!! OH, and to all you racists out there: FUCK YOU!!! HAVE FUN IN HELL YOU RACIST ASSHOLES!!!!! LOL, well, talk tomorrow for the daily joke!

Daily Joke!!!

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - January 11th, 2009

Hello peoples!!!! Howis evrone doin? Well, prepare yourselves for the KINGDOM HEARTS FANCLUB!!!!!! That's right!! ou can join the kingdom hearts fanclub, where we talk abou kingdom hearts, share stories about cool stuff that happened to us when we played ou kingdom hearts video game (Any game in the kingdom hearts serie) and tons of other stuff!! All ya gots ta do (i spelled those words wrong on purpose) is take a test. To tell me your answers, you'll have to comment on this news post. Okey dokey, here's the test. OH, one more thing, there are 5 questions. To pass and be allowed to join, you have to ge at least 3 questions correct. Ok now, here's the test:

1. Namin'e's power was that she could:
a. read peoples' minds b. control peoples' memories c. shoot lasers

2. Sora is searching for:
a. Riku and the king b. Riku and Kairi c. the king and Kairi

3. In chain of memories, the last nobody shown who was alive was:
a. Marluxia b. Vexen c. Axel

4. True or False: The Ansem that Sora Donald and Goofy defeated in the first kingdom hearts was a heartless.

5. True or False: Every character in kingdom hearts besides Sora is from a Disney movie, other video game, or other movie.

Ok, that's the test. I wish you all the best of luck. Oh, if you don't pass, you can try again. If you want to try again, comment again and say "I want to try agin" (well, you don't have to exactly say that, you just have to basically say that) I will give you one question and if you answer correctly (to give me your answer just comment again) you will be allowed to join. Well, that's all!! Talk soon!!

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - January 2nd, 2009

Hi everyone! MRLEGOGUY here. But you most likely already knew that. Not to brag, but I got Guitar Hero Aerosmith for Christmas, and I am pretty good. Just so you know, I already made a news post about this but the title was different so I don't think anyone thought it was interesting. My allstar record on Guitar Hero Aerosmtih is making 5 stars on the review for 22 songs in a row. If you can beat that, just leave a comment on you record, or if you like Aerosmith and just wanna talk, you can leave comment about that. Well, talk soon!! Bye!!

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - December 29th, 2008

Hey everybody!! Not to brag or anythin', but i got a totally awesome present this christmas. I got Guitar Hero: Aerosmith!!!!! It is soooooo awesome!!!!! I even got 5 star reviews on easy level songs 22 times in a row!! My streak ended today, cuz i got a 4 star review on Back in the Saddle by Aerosmith. If you are good at guitar hero and love aerosmith, we should talk a lot.

PS: I don't want any assholes insulting me about this review. That means you Lichking!!! Oh wait, I banned you and all the other freakin assholes who gave me insulting comments. If you are one ofthose people, I got another thing to say to you.----- Have fun in hell.

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - November 25th, 2008

Hey everybody!!! I'm here to talk about Stephanie Meyer's amazing vampire love saga: the Twilght series. I've been reading it and I have to say it is definitely the best book series ever made in the history of the universe!!! I'm on Breaking Dawn right now. (I haven't actually started it yet cuz I'm getting it for Christmas from my Nana Lee) I also saw the move yesterday. I have to say it is a masterpiece. It is incredibly accurate. Since I read the book first I was sooo anxious cuz I wanted Bella to just meet Edward, then I just wanted her to find out his secret. I was thinking "FINALLY!!" when she knew. Also, Stephanie Meyer is going to make a new series on Edward's perspective. The first one will be called Morning Sun. I can't wait for it to come out!!! Anyway, I wanna know how u guys think about the Twilight series and the movie. BTW, that flash on the front page called Twatlight, for anyone who's a fan of the movie and book series, don't watch it. Trust me, it is incredibly insulting. It should have a low score. Anyway, that's all I got to say!! Oh, don't forget to tell me how u feel about this masterpiece series!! MRLEGOGUY, out!!

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - November 15th, 2008

Hi!! I'm looking for a girl to be my girlfriend! I'm 13, really funny, compassionate, happy almost 90% of the time, and artistic. I'd like a girl who is funny, cute, nice, happy almost 80-90% of the time, and maybe a bit artistic. You don't have to live in Florida, we can be dating online.

Hey ppl!! I'm just reminding you guys about the NG Prez election. I asked Tom Fulp for permission. You can still vote while I'm waiting for a response. I could write a review on yer flash vids, including a mention of the NG Prez election. It's not too late!! The canidates are:
Angry faic
Alien Hominid
Fancy pants
Salid fingers
Dr. Bob (from the Knox Korner series)
and Samurai Asswhole
If you don't vote, you either don't care (so you suck) or you were never told about the election. Talk later people of NG!! WOOT!!

Posted by MRLEGOGUY - November 10th, 2008

hey everybody on NG!! I bet you might be thinkin, shouldn't Tom Fulp decide this? Well I will ask him for permission after. Anyway, I decided since it will be a while till I get a flash program considering I'm low on the cash, that I will benefit to NG this way. I want to hold a vote for a president of NG. I know Pico is like the mascot, but there should also be a prez. The candidates are:
Alien Hominid
Angry faic
Fancy Pants
Dr Bob (from the knox korner series)
Samurai asswhole
and Salid Fingers

Sorry if someone you wanted wasn't mentioned.