How are you all doin'? I hope your doin' good, cuz' I'm gonna start a little somethin'! It's called the daily joke!!! If you like my jokes and think you have a good idea for a daily joke, just comment on the daily joke of whatever day it is. Oh, by the way, I might foget to do daily joke some days (And I know that means it won'y really be daily so don't write a comment just to tell me that!) and I will almost always make the daliy joke sometime after 12:00. (if i is a school day, I don't get out of my middle school until around 2:20. Ok, here's today's joke!!!
Why did the white racist boy complain about his dinner?-Because there were having BLACK BEANS! Get it?!?! The boy is white and since he's a racist he hates black people!!
PS I think god should smite that kid!!! OH, and to all you racists out there: FUCK YOU!!! HAVE FUN IN HELL YOU RACIST ASSHOLES!!!!! LOL, well, talk tomorrow for the daily joke!