HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE ARE COMING OUT IN A MONTH AND I JUST FOUND OUT YESTERDAY??? Many people might say, oh, not another one. BUT, this one looks awesome. Originally, the actual battle sprites for pokemon never moved. In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, they gave the pokemon short motion sequences. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, they upgraded the motion sequences and took this pixel graphics 4 steps further. In Black and White, the camera changes during battle, the pokemon move during the entire battle, there are like 150 new pokemon, and the pixel graphics were taken 10 steps further!! Now, don't think I like all the new pokemon, cuz I don't. There's a coffin one. I hate that, cuz, that is totally fucking retarded. One wears clothes. WTF?? AREN'T THEY WILD??? HOW DO THEY GET CLOTHES?? Most of the new ones are ok though.